Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sept 11th - TB Results & EMB Visit

Got a early morning call while we were all still asleep to be ready in 1.5 hours with boys to go to US Embassy. Groggily we got dressed, got boys dressed, had breakfast and headed down to meet our driver and Alla. Zipped to the embassy to make our 11am appointment. Never been to the embassy here so was interesting. Very professional quiet safe place. Glad to get to a place where folks speak fluent English. Started on the boys visa applications. At 11:30am Jen reminded me to take boys out to car and our driver, Alla, boys, myself drove down town to the American Clinic to check results of the boys TB test (injected 72hrs before). Both negative so that turned out great. Drove back to the US embassy to meet up with Jen again. She was working on the visa apps for the boys while we were at clinic.
To our surprise they discovered our fingerprints had expired August 2 so nothing can be done until we get new ones taken and shipped to US for processing. Once FBI processing them we can continue with visa application for boys. We had another appointment in afternoon at 2pm and took new fingerprints and guy promised us they get DHLed to US that night yet. However, the entire process takes no less then 10 days maybe longer so we are sitting ducks here for an additional 10-14 days. Might have to get a job at a local business for the additional stay here. The dilemma is we need all hands on deck to keep us all sane and at same time make the twins feel like things are normal and experience a daily routine.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! I am so sorry that your fingerprints expired...I can't believe the agency didn't catch that!!! We will pray that this will process quicker than normal. I know you have got to be SO anxious to get home to normal life again :) ~Heather and Allen
